Candidates can be eligible exclusively by nomination, either of the directors or deans of the educational centers or of the directors of department.
Each member of EUCEET Association can only nominate one candidate or one group of candidates.
Candidates or leaders of a teaching team have to be part of the faculty of a member of EUCEET Association in the moment of the nomination.
Members of the Administrative Council of the EUCEET Association, Secretary General and Treasurer cannot be candidates.


Nominations must be submitted by deans, by directors of departments or by the contact person with the EUCEET Association sending an email to the Secretary of the Jury, Prof. Ilda RUSI (ilda_rusi@universitetipolis.edu.al) ccing the Secretary of EUCEET Association Eng. Mia Trifu (mia.trifu@utcb.ro), before June 1st, 2025.

The documentation that must be provided includes:
1) a data form with basic information (Download below).
2) a report,
3) a picture of the leader or of the group (for communication purposes) and
4) a certificate of the fact that the candidate or leader of the candidate
Download the data form here
Group is a member of the staff signed by directors or deans of the educational centers or by the directors of department. If applicable, Report length should not exceed 10 pages.
The reports should incorporate, as far as possible, the information detailed below.

It is to highlight that in any case it is not required that candidates have developed all the items specified. Likewise, these items do not have a specific weight or are detailed in any order. Its sole purpose is to be able to assist the jury in its work and to be able to compare the candidacies in the most objective way possible. Reports can incorporate links to webpages and audiovisual material.
1. Scope of work: a subject, a group of subjects, the whole school or other institutions.
2. Is the project exportable? Analysis of whether the project can be used in other subjects, schools, countries
3. Interdisciplinarity: Does the project involve teachers of various subjects, departments, areas of knowledge?
4. Impact on learning.
5. Impact on the promotion of Civil Engineering studies.
6. Impact on society.
7. Collaboration with industry.
8. Use of innovative methods in the teaching project.
9. Development of teaching material associated with the project.
10. Funding / support received by the project.
11. Years the project has been running and number of students involved.
12. Quantitative appraisal of the impact.


A diploma for every member of the team if applicable and a total amount of 2000 euros. If a team is awarded, the prize is delivered to the person who is responsible for the teaching team. Special mentions may be made to other nominees, if the jury deems it appropriate, with no economical implications.
The corresponding tax will be deducted from the amount of the prize. The person or leader of the persons awarded will be asked to deliver a lecture in English in the frame of one event organized by EUCEET Association as a requirement to receive the prize. That could be done online.


Members of the jury are:
- Thibaut SKRZYPEK from École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC - École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées), France, who will act as president with quality vote.
- Rolando CHACÓN from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech), Spain.
- Gediminas BLAŽEVIČIUS, from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH), Lithuania.Prof.
- Ilda RUSI, from POLIS University, Albania; EUCEET board member, will act as secretary of the jury and will have voice but no vote.


The jury decides to award one single prize and if deemed necessary to make honorable special mentions. Candidates that have not been awarded can be reconsidered for future editions of the award.
If the jury considers that there have been external collaborations that have made them possible, it can mention it, if it deems it appropriate.
In issuing the verdict, the jury may take into account any advice it deems appropriate and may request such reports as it deems appropriate.
The Prize may be declared void.
Interpretation of the rules, if required or not specified, will correspond to the General Secretary of the association
The jury's verdict will be made public during 2025 and will be final.

EUCEET Association promotes cooperation between higher education institutions offering programs in civil engineering; contribute to the establishment of educational criteria in civil engineering, based on learning outcomes and competences; encourage the development of programs of education and training
in civil engineering; operate as a consultant in programs concerning education and training in civil engineering; establish permanent links with the construction industry of Europe, ensuring that the point of views and needs of the industry concerning the educational programs become known by the academia; promote the mobility of students and teaching staff of the higher education institutions offering programs in civil engineering; cooperate with established professional or other associations in the furtherance of the objectives; promote continuing education as an indispensable mean for the professional development of civil engineers; participate to programs of the European Commission in the field
of education; foster the cooperation of its members in the field of research; cooperate with other international organizations with related interests from Europe and outside Europe.

EUCEET Association

European Civil Engineering Education and Training Association
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