Themes & Main outcomes

  • Organization of 3 pan-European Conferences in civil engineering education:
    • Athens, February 2003
    • Malta, May 2004
    • Paris, September 2005
  • Publication of 2 volumes in the series “Inquiries into European higher education in civil engineering”, comprising the reports for the 6 themes tackled in the project

Six Themes were tackled by the EUCEET II project:

A. Curricula issues and developments in civil engineering
(I. Manoliu, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest)
B. Development of the teaching environment in civil engineering education
(E. Bratteland, Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyTrondheim)
C. Promoting the European dimension in civilengineering education
(R. Kastner, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées - INSA Lyon)
D. Enhancing the attractiveness of civil engineering profession
(F.G. Baron, Conseil National des Ingenieurs et Scientifiques de France)
E. Recognition of academic and professional civil engineering qualifications
(L. Boswell, City University London)
F. Lifelong learning in civil engineering
(P. Latinopoulos, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)

In addition, Synergy Group of the Thematic Network EUCEET cooperated with the EC supported Tuning Project.

Reports pertaining to the themes A and E and of the EUCEET-Tuning Task Force were included in the volume 5.
Reports pertaining to the Themes B, C and D were included in the volume 6.

European Civil Engineering Education and Training Association
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